# Fluidsimfoam documentation Fluidsimfoam is a Python package and a thin interface over [OpenFOAM]. It provides a framework to (i) describe in Python sets of similar simulations, (ii) organize parameters, (iii) launch/restart multiple simulations and (iv) load simulations to read the associated parameters/data and produce nice figures/movies. ```{list-table} * - Repository - * - Version - [{{ release}}](https://pypi.org/project/fluidsimfoam/) ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: User guide maxdepth: 1 --- intro install tutorials ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: Python API maxdepth: 1 --- autosum.rst ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: Help & Reference maxdepth: 1 --- CHANGELOG CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS dev/index.md ``` ## Indices and tables - {ref}`genindex` - {ref}`modindex` - {ref}`search` [openfoam]: https://openfoam.org/