Source code for fluidsimfoam.foam_input_files.blockmesh

"""Helper to create blockMeshDict files

Taken from (Git commit
58589f1) and modified as follow:

- ``pyupgrade --py39-plus``
- tested (100% coverage) and reproducible (sets sorted)
- refactor
- support for cyclic boundaries


from itertools import groupby
from string import Template

from .. import DEFAULT_HEADER
from .edges import ArcEdge, SplineEdge
from .grading import EdgeGrading, Grading, SimpleGrading, SimpleGradingElement

__all__ = [

[docs]class Vertex: def __init__(self, x, y, z, name, index=None): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z = name # identical name self.alias = {name} # aliasname, should be included # sequential index which is assigned at final output # for blocks, edges, boundaries self.index = index
[docs] def format(self): comment = f"{self.index} {}" if len(self.alias) > 1: comment += " : " + " ".join(sorted(self.alias)) return f"( {self.x: .15g} {self.y: .15g} {self.z: .15g} ) // {comment}"
def __repr__(self): return f"Vertex({self.x}, {self.y}, {self.z}, {})"
[docs] def copy(self): return type(self)(self.x, self.y, self.z,
def __lt__(self, rhs): return (self.z, self.y, self.x) < (rhs.z, rhs.y, rhs.x) def __eq__(self, rhs): return (self.z, self.y, self.x) == (rhs.z, rhs.y, rhs.x) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.z, self.y, self.x))
class Face: def __init__(self, vnames, name): """ vname is list or tuple of vertex names """ self.vnames = vnames = name def format(self, vertices): """Format instance to dump vertices is dict of name to Vertex """ index = " ".join(str(vertices[vn].index) for vn in self.vnames) comment = " ".join(self.vnames) return f"({index:s}) // {} ({comment:s})" class MergePatchPairs: def __init__(self, boundary_name1, boundary_name2): self.boundary_name1 = boundary_name1 self.boundary_name2 = boundary_name2 def format(self): return f"({self.boundary_name1} {self.boundary_name2})" class HexBlock: def __init__(self, vnames, cells, name, grading=SimpleGrading(1, 1, 1)): """Initialize HexBlock instance vnames is the vertex names in order descrived in cells is number of cells devied into in each direction name is the uniq name of the block grading is grading method. """ self.vnames = vnames self.cells = cells = name self.grading = grading def format(self, vertices): """Format instance to dump vertices is dict of name to Vertex """ index = " ".join(str(vertices[vn].index) for vn in self.vnames) comment = " ".join(self.vnames) return ( f"// {} ({comment})\n " f"hex ({index}) {} " f"({self.cells[0]:d} {self.cells[1]:d} {self.cells[2]:d}) " f"{self.grading.format()}" ) def face(self, index, name=None): """Generate Face object index is number or keyword to identify the face of Hex 0 = 'w' = 'xm' = '-100' = (0 4 7 3) 1 = 'e' = 'xp' = '100' = (1 2 6 5) 2 = 's' = 'ym' = '0-10' = (0 1 5 4) 3 = 'n' = 'yp' = '010' = (2 3 7 6) 4 = 'b' = 'zm' = '00-1' = (0 3 2 1) = "bottom" 5 = 't' = 'zp' = '001' = (4 5 6 7) = "top" name is given to Face instance. If omitted, name is automatically genaratied like ('f-' + + '-w') """ kw_to_index = { "w": 0, "xm": 0, "-100": 0, "e": 1, "xp": 1, "100": 1, "s": 2, "ym": 2, "0-10": 2, "n": 3, "yp": 3, "010": 3, "b": 4, "bottom": 4, "zm": 4, "00-1": 4, "t": 5, "top": 5, "zp": 5, "001": 5, } index_to_vertex = [ (0, 4, 7, 3), (1, 2, 6, 5), (0, 1, 5, 4), (2, 3, 7, 6), (0, 3, 2, 1), (4, 5, 6, 7), ] index_to_defaultsuffix = "wesnbt" if isinstance(index, str): index = kw_to_index[index] vnames = tuple([self.vnames[i] for i in index_to_vertex[index]]) if name is None: parts = ["f"] if parts.append( parts.append(index_to_defaultsuffix[index]) name = "-".join(parts) return Face(vnames, name) def faces(self, *args): return [self.face(arg) for arg in args] class Boundary: def __init__(self, type_, name, faces=None, neighbour=None): """initialize boundary type_ is type keyword (wall, patch, empty, ..) name is nave of boundary emelment faces is faces which are applied with this boundary conditions """ self.type_ = type_ = name if faces is None: faces = [] elif isinstance(faces, Face): faces = [faces] self.faces = faces self.neighbour = neighbour def add_face(self, face): """add face instance face is a Face instance (not name) to be added """ self.faces.append(face) def format(self, vertices): """Format instance to dump vertices is dict of name to Vertex """ tmp = [] if self.neighbour is None: tmp.append("{\n" + f" type {self.type_};\n faces\n (") else: tmp.append( "{\n" + f" type {self.type_};\n" f" neighbourPatch {self.neighbour};\n faces\n (" ) for face in self.faces: tmp.append(f" {face.format(vertices)}") tmp.append(" );\n}") return "\n".join(tmp)
[docs]class BlockMeshDict: def __init__(self): self.convert_to_meters = 1.0 self.vertices = {} # mapping of uniq name to Vertex object self.blocks = {} self.edges = {} self.boundaries = {} self.merge_patch_pairs = {} self._vertices_in_blockmesh = None
[docs] def set_metric(self, metric): """set self.comvert_to_meters by word""" metricsym_to_conversion = { "km": 1000, "m": 1, "cm": 0.01, "mm": 0.001, "um": 1e-6, "nm": 1e-9, "A": 1e-10, "Angstrom": 1e-10, } self.convert_to_meters = metricsym_to_conversion[metric]
[docs] def set_scale(self, scale): self.convert_to_meters = scale
[docs] def add_vertex(self, x, y=None, z=None, name=None): """add vertex by coordinate and uniq name x y z is coordinates of vertex name is uniq name to refer the vertex returns Vertex object whici is added. """ if isinstance(x, Vertex): if any(arg is not None for arg in (y, z, name)): raise ValueError( "x is a Vertex and " "`any(arg is not None for arg in (y, z, name))`" ) vertex = x name = else: vertex = Vertex(x, y, z, name) self.vertices[name] = vertex return self.vertices[name]
[docs] def del_vertex(self, name): """del name key from self.vertices""" del self.vertices[name]
[docs] def reduce_vertex(self, name1, *names): """treat name1, name2, ... as same point. name2.alias, name3.alias, ... are merged with name1.alias the key name2, name3, ... in self.vertices are kept and mapped to same Vertex instance as name1 """ v = self.vertices[name1] for n in names: w = self.vertices[n] v.alias.update(w.alias) # replace mapping from n w by to v self.vertices[n] = v
[docs] def merge_vertices(self): """call reduce_vertex on all vertices with identical values.""" # groupby expects sorted data sorted_vertices = sorted( list(self.vertices.items()), key=lambda v: hash(v[1]) ) groups = [] for k, g in groupby(sorted_vertices, lambda v: hash(v[1])): groups.append(list(g)) for group in groups: if len(group) == 1: continue names = [v[0] for v in group] self.reduce_vertex(*names)
[docs] def replicate_vertices_further_z(self, z, suffix="_dz", vnames=None): """Helper for 2d meshes""" if vnames is None: vnames = tuple(self.vertices.keys()) for vname in vnames: vertex_z0 = self.vertices[vname] vertex_z1 = vertex_z0.copy() vertex_z1.z = z += suffix self.add_vertex(vertex_z1)
[docs] def add_hexblock( self, vnames, nx_ny_nz, name=None, grading=SimpleGrading(1, 1, 1) ): if name is None: name = f"b{len(self.blocks)}" b = HexBlock(vnames, nx_ny_nz, name, grading) self.blocks[name] = b return b
[docs] def add_hexblock_from_2d( self, vnames, nx_ny_nz, name=None, grading=SimpleGrading(1, 1, 1), suffix_zm="", suffix_zp="_dz", ): return self.add_hexblock( [vname + suffix_zm for vname in vnames] + [vname + suffix_zp for vname in vnames], nx_ny_nz, name, grading, )
[docs] def add_arcedge(self, vnames, name, inter_vertex): e = ArcEdge(vnames, name, inter_vertex) self.edges[name] = e return e
[docs] def add_splineedge(self, vnames, name, points): e = SplineEdge(vnames, name, points) self.edges[name] = e return e
[docs] def add_boundary(self, type_, name, faces=None, neighbour=None): b = Boundary(type_, name, faces, neighbour) self.boundaries[name] = b return b
[docs] def add_merge_patch_pairs(self, boundary_name1: str, boundary_name2: str): """Add 2 boundaries to merge""" b = MergePatchPairs(boundary_name1, boundary_name2) self.merge_patch_pairs[boundary_name1] = b return b
[docs] def add_cyclic_boundaries(self, name0, name1, faces0, faces1): """Add 2 cyclic boundaries Example ------- 2 cyclic boundaries can be created as follow:: add_cyclic_boundaries("outlet", "inlet", b0.face("e"), b0.face("w")) """ b0 = self.add_boundary("cyclic", name0, faces0, neighbour=name1) b1 = self.add_boundary("cyclic", name1, faces1, neighbour=name0) return b0, b1
[docs] def assign_vertexid(self, sort=True): """1. create list of Vertex which are referred by blocks only. 2. sort vertex according to (x, y, z) 3. assign sequence number for each Vertex 4. sorted list is saved as self._vertices_in_blockmesh """ # gather 'uniq' names which are referred by blocks vnames_kept = set() self._vertices_in_blockmesh = [] for b in self.blocks.values(): for n in b.vnames: v = self.vertices[n] if not in vnames_kept: vnames_kept.add( self._vertices_in_blockmesh.append(v) if sort == "as_added": self._vertices_in_blockmesh = [] for vname, v in self.vertices.items(): if vname in vnames_kept: self._vertices_in_blockmesh.append(v) elif sort: self._vertices_in_blockmesh = sorted(self._vertices_in_blockmesh) for i, v in enumerate(self._vertices_in_blockmesh): v.index = i
[docs] def format_vertices_section(self): """format vertices section. assign_vertexid() should be called before this method, because self._vertices_in_blockmesh should be available and members of self._vertices_in_blockmesh should have valid index. """ tmp = ["vertices\n("] for v in self._vertices_in_blockmesh: tmp.append(" " + v.format()) tmp.append(");") return "\n".join(tmp)
[docs] def format_blocks_section(self): """format blocks section. assign_vertexid() should be called before this method, because vertices refered by blocks should have valid index. """ tmp = ["blocks\n("] for b in self.blocks.values(): tmp.append(" " + b.format(self.vertices)) tmp.append(");") return "\n".join(tmp)
[docs] def format_edges_section(self): """format edges section. assign_vertexid() should be called before this method, because vertices refered by blocks should have valid index. """ tmp = ["edges\n("] for e in self.edges.values(): tmp.append(" " + e.format(self.vertices)) tmp.append(");") return "\n".join(tmp)
[docs] def format_boundary_section(self): """format boundary section. assign_vertexid() should be called before this method, because vertices refered by faces should have valid index. """ tmp = ["boundary\n("] for b in self.boundaries.values(): # format Boundary instance and add indent indent = " " * 4 s = b.format(self.vertices).replace("\n", "\n" + indent) tmp.append(indent + s) tmp.append(");") return "\n".join(tmp)
[docs] def format_mergepatchpairs_section(self): if not self.merge_patch_pairs: return "" indent = " " * 4 tmp = ["mergePatchPairs\n("] for b in self.merge_patch_pairs.values(): tmp.append(indent + b.format()) tmp.append(");") return "\n" + "\n".join(tmp) + "\n"
[docs] def format(self, header=DEFAULT_HEADER, sort_vortices=True): self.assign_vertexid(sort=sort_vortices) template = Template( r"""$header FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; object blockMeshDict; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // scale $metricconvert; $vertices $blocks $edges $boundary $mergepatchpairs // ************************************************************************* // """ ) return template.substitute( header=header, metricconvert=str(self.convert_to_meters), vertices=self.format_vertices_section(), edges=self.format_edges_section(), blocks=self.format_blocks_section(), boundary=self.format_boundary_section(), mergepatchpairs=self.format_mergepatchpairs_section(), )
[docs]class BlockMeshDictRectilinear(BlockMeshDict): def __init__(self, lx, ly, lz, nx, ny, nz, scale): super().__init__() self.set_scale(scale) basevs = [ Vertex(0, 0, 0, "v0"), Vertex(lx, 0, 0, "v1"), Vertex(lx, ly, 0, "v2"), Vertex(0, ly, 0, "v3"), ] for v in basevs: self.add_vertex(v.x, v.y, 0, + "-bot") self.add_vertex(v.x, v.y, lz, + "-top") vertex_names = [ f"v{index}{post}" for post in ("-bot", "-top") for index in range(4) ] self.block = self.add_hexblock(vertex_names, (nx, ny, nz), name="")