Source code for fluidsimfoam.output.fields

"""Class for the ``sim.output.fields`` object"""

import math
import shutil
from numbers import Number
from subprocess import PIPE, run

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

    import pyvista
except ImportError:

from fluidsimfoam.foam_input_files import read_field_file

components = {0: "x", 1: "y", 2: "z", None: ""}
cam_positions = {"x": "yz", "y": "xz", "z": "xy"}

[docs]def check_pyvista_importable(): try: import pyvista except ImportError: print( "pyvista is not importable so it cannot be used. " "You could install it (`pip install pyvista`) and retry." ) return False else: return True
[docs]def is_time_name(name): return all(c.isdigit() or c == "." for c in name)
[docs]def find_nearest(arr, value): idx = np.searchsorted(arr, value, side="left") if idx > 0 and ( idx == len(arr) or math.fabs(value - arr[idx - 1]) < math.fabs(value - arr[idx]) ): return arr[idx - 1] else: return arr[idx]
[docs]def check_opacity(opacity): if not (0 <= opacity <= 1): raise ValueError("opacity should be in [0, 1[.")
if check_pyvista_importable():
[docs] class Reader(pyvista.POpenFOAMReader): def __init__(self, path): super().__init__(path) self.skip_zero_time = True self.mesh =
[docs] def set_active_time(self, time=None): if time is not None: time = float(time) if time is None: time = self.time_values[-1] elif time not in self.time_values: time = find_nearest(self.time_values, time) self.set_active_time_value(time) return time
[docs]def get_dimensions(mesh): n_blocks = mesh.n_blocks if mesh.keys() != ["internalMesh", "boundary"]: # multiregion mesh data = mesh[0]["internalMesh"] points = data.cell_centers().points for index_block in range(1, n_blocks): data0 = mesh[index_block]["internalMesh"] points0 = data0.cell_centers().points points = np.concatenate((points, points0), axis=0) else: interior_mesh = mesh["internalMesh"] centers = interior_mesh.cell_centers() points = centers.points cell_coords = x, y, z = points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2] dimensions = "" for letter, coord in zip("xyz", cell_coords): if coord.max() - coord.min() < 1e-15: continue dimensions += letter return dimensions
[docs]class Fields: def __init__(self, output): self.output = output self.sim = output.sim
[docs] def get_saved_times(self): if self.sim.params.parallel.nsubdoms > 1: str_glob = "processor0/*" else: str_glob = "*" return sorted( float( for path in self.output.path_run.glob(str_glob) if is_time_name( )
[docs] def get_path_dir_time(self, time_approx="last", dirname=None): if time_approx != "last": raise NotImplementedError if dirname is None: str_glob = "*" else: str_glob = dirname + "/*" path_times = sorted( ( path for path in self.output.path_run.glob(str_glob) if[0].isdigit() ), key=lambda p: float(, ) path_dir = path_times[-1] last_time = float( return path_dir, last_time
[docs] def read_field(self, name, time_approx="last"): if time_approx != "last": raise NotImplementedError path_dir, last_time = self.get_path_dir_time(time_approx) if self.sim.params.parallel.nsubdoms > 1: _, last_time_proc0 = self.get_path_dir_time( time_approx, dirname="processor0" ) if last_time_proc0 != last_time: self.reconstruct_par(fields=[name], time=last_time_proc0) path_dir, last_time = self.get_path_dir_time(time_approx) assert last_time == last_time_proc0 field = read_field_file(path_dir / name) field.time = float( return field
[docs] def reconstruct_par(self, fields=None, latest_time=None, time=None): path_command = shutil.which("reconstructPar") if path_command is None: raise RuntimeError("OpenFOAM not available") command = ["reconstructPar"] if fields is not None: command.extend(["-fields", f"({' '.join(fields)})"]) if latest_time is not None and time is not None: raise ValueError if latest_time is not None: command.append("-latestTime") if time is not None: if isinstance(time, Number): time = str(time) command.extend(["-time", time]) run(command, cwd=self.sim.path_run, stdout=PIPE)
[docs] def plot_field(self, name, time_approx="last"): field = self.read_field(name, time_approx) x, y, z = self.output.sim.oper.get_cells_coords() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(y, field.get_array())
def _init_pyvista_reader(self): if not check_pyvista_importable(): import pyvista casename = f".{self.output.sim.info_solver.short_name}.foam" path = self.output.sim.path_run / casename if not path.exists(): path.write_text("") return Reader(path)
[docs] def plot_boundary( self, name=None, show_edges=True, lighting=True, camera_position=None, color="w", mesh_opacity=1, add_legend=False, show=True, plotter=None, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- name : str Boundary name show_edges : bool Show edges lighting : bool Lighting of this boundary camera_position : str Camera position, like "xy" color : str Color of the boundary mesh_opacity : float The opacity of the whole mesh, in range (0, 1) add_legend : bool Add legend for domain and boundary show : bool Show plot Examples -------- >>> sim.output.fields.plot_boundary( ... "bottom", color="g", mesh_opacity=0.05) >>> sim.output.fields.plot_boundary( ... "lowerBoundary", color="b", mesh_opacity=0.05, add_legend=True) """ check_opacity(mesh_opacity) reader = self._init_pyvista_reader() mesh = reader.mesh boundaries = mesh["boundary"] dimensions = get_dimensions(mesh) if name not in boundaries.keys(): print(f"Boundary names: {boundaries.keys()}") return boundary = boundaries[name] if plotter is None: plotter = pyvista.Plotter() plotter.add_mesh( mesh, opacity=mesh_opacity, style="wireframe", color="w", label="domain", ) plotter.add_mesh( boundary, color=color, lighting=lighting, label=name, show_edges=show_edges, **kwargs, ) if len(dimensions) == 2: plotter.camera_position = dimensions else: plotter.camera_position = camera_position if add_legend: plotter.add_legend(face=None) plotter.add_axes() if show: return plotter
[docs] def plot_contour( self, variable="U", component=None, time=None, equation=None, camera_position=None, mesh_opacity=0, show=True, contour=False, plotter=None, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- variable : str Variable name component : int Components of vector field (x:0, y:1, z:2) time : float Simulation time equation : str The equation of the plane for contour camera_position : str Camera position plane like: "xy" mesh_opacity : float The opacity of the whole mesh, in range (0, 1) contour : bool Apply a contour filter after slicing. Examples -------- >>> sim.output.fields.plot_contour( ... equation="y=0", variable="U", ... mesh_opacity=0.1, time=86400.0, component=2) >>> sim.output.fields.plot_contour( ... equation="z=0", variable="T", time=3600.0, contour=True) """ check_opacity(mesh_opacity) reader = self._init_pyvista_reader() time = reader.set_active_time(time) data = block = data["internalMesh"] block.set_active_scalars(variable, preference="point") if plotter is None: plotter = pyvista.Plotter() plotter.add_mesh(data, color="w", opacity=mesh_opacity) dimensions = get_dimensions(data) if len(dimensions) == 2: axis = "xyz".replace(dimensions[:], "") coordinate = 0 internal_mesh_slice = block.slice_along_axis( n=1, axis=axis, contour=contour ) elif len(dimensions) == 3: if equation is None: print( f"This is the '{variable}' contour for 'y=0', specify the equation to change the plane!" ) equation = "y=0" equation = equation.replace(" ", "") axis, coordinate = tuple(equation.split("=")) x =[0] y =[1] z =[2] if axis == "x": x = float(coordinate) elif axis == "y": y = float(coordinate) else: z = float(coordinate) internal_mesh_slice = block.slice( normal=axis, origin=[x, y, z], contour=contour ) else: print("plot_contour is not available for 1D fields!") try: plotter.add_mesh( internal_mesh_slice, scalars=variable, component=component, scalar_bar_args={"title": f"{variable}{components[component]}"}, **kwargs, ) except ValueError: interior = data["internalMesh"] print( f"""Selected plane is out of domain, change the equation! Domain ranges: x:({interior.bounds[0]}, {interior.bounds[1]}) y:({interior.bounds[2]}, {interior.bounds[3]}) z:({interior.bounds[4]}, {interior.bounds[5]})""" ) if camera_position is None: camera_position = cam_positions[axis] plotter.camera_position = camera_position plotter.add_axes() if show: return plotter
[docs] def plot_profile( self, point0=[0, 0, 0], point1=[0, 1, 0], variable="U", component=None, time=None, line_width=2, color="r", show_line_in_domain=False, show=True, plotter=None, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- point0 : list Coordinate of first point point1 : list Coordinate of second point variable : str Variable name component : int Components of vector field (x:0, y:1, z:2) line_width : str Line width of preview plot color : str Line color of preview plot time : float Simulation time show_line_in_domain : bool Preview line in the domain Examples -------- >>> sim.output.fields.plot_profile( ... point0=[0,0,5], point1=[0,0,20], variable="T", time=3600, ... ylabel="T(K)", title="Temperature") """ reader = self._init_pyvista_reader() time = reader.set_active_time(time) data = block = data["internalMesh"] block.set_active_scalars(variable) for index in range(3): if point0[index] < block.bounds[2 * index]: point0[index] = block.bounds[2 * index] if point1[index] > block.bounds[2 * index + 1]: point1[index] = block.bounds[2 * index + 1] if show_line_in_domain: plotter = pyvista.Plotter() plotter.add_mesh(data, style="wireframe", color="w") line = pyvista.Line(point0, point1) plotter.add_mesh( line, color=color, line_width=line_width, ) plotter.add_axes() if show: block.plot_over_line(point0, point1, show=show, **kwargs) return plotter, plt.gcf()
[docs] def plot_mesh( self, color="w", style="wireframe", show=True, plotter=None, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- color : str Color of mesh style : str Style of mesh ('wireframe', 'points', 'surface') show : bool Show plot Examples -------- >>> sim.output.fields.plot_mesh(color="g") """ reader = self._init_pyvista_reader() mesh = if plotter is None: plotter = pyvista.Plotter() plotter.add_mesh( mesh, style=style, color=color, **kwargs, ) plotter.add_axes() dimensions = get_dimensions(mesh) if len(dimensions) == 2: plotter.camera_position = dimensions if show: return plotter